Friday, 8 October 2010

Um.. what happened?

Wow. Last post in February! Oops.

That gives you an idea of just how busy things have been!

To be fair, inbetween maintaining the Mattched IT Blog and Handmade Crafts Blog, I don't get a lot of time to write posts for here, anymore, but I'm going to try and post occasionally at least.

Mind you, this might not be the best time to start since we're off on holiday in a few weeks..!

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Classic ASP (VBScript) - Type mismatch: 'URLEncode'

Just a quick note - half aide memoir and half you-never-know-when-this-might-come-in-handy. We do quite a lot of maintenance work on Classic ASP (VBScript) sites and there are loads of gotchas.

Back in the day when it one of the main technologies I used they got me less, I seem to remember, but nowadays thats not entirely the case!

It's the obtuse error message that got me this time.

baseString = URLEncode(baseString)

Generates this error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: 'URLEncode'

The fix? Simple.

baseString = Server.URLEncode(baseString)

DOH! Hopefully if this trips you up, you'll find this post in less time than it took me to realise what a doughnut I was being..!

Wednesday, 10 February 2010 - our top secret hotel saga Part 2!

Well. Phew. We've made some significant progress on the ' top secret hotels' front.

Because I made a big fuss on twitter (and here), I managed to get a lovely lady from the VIP desk to look into our problem and it has been more or less sorted out.

At least she actually listened to / read / understood the problem! While I'm happy that it has been adequately dealt with, the misleading information correct and we have been compensated (with a room upgrade!), I'm still somewhat peeved by how hard it was to get the same simple message through via their standard support channels.

I dread to think what would have happened if I hadn't used social media to complain, though.

Apparently they are going to investigate the awful asssistance we received - I shall report back with the outcome (if we are kept updated, can't remember if they said they would or not)!

Thursday, 4 February 2010 top secret hotels? Just Say No!

The title kinda says it all. I won't go into details yet, but we are currently involved in what I will politely call a "wrangle" with

Their customer service is frankly disgusting. It is the worst experience I have had with a company when something has gone wrong for a VERY long time.

Will post more once the matter is concluded (for better or for worse). However, in the meantime, my personal advice is - if you are thinking of booking a top secret hotel via, just don't. It's not worth it.

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Barclays: Surely it can't get worse?

So. I've ranted about how much Barclays bank sucks before. We have a business account with them. Though I'm not sure how long that will continue - now is not a convenient time for us to change, however, they seem to be doing their best to force us.

The latest part in the saga?

Yesterday I tried to pay for a software license, online, from a company in america, using my business debit card. Transaction declined. Tried again. Declined. Very odd.

Then I tried to log into online banking (a bit later). You have entered your details incorrectly. Hmm. No I haven't. Try again. Same. Try again. Very Carefully. Same. Give up. Try again later incase their service is broken (as usual). You have been locked out.

Bum. Phone up this morning. Explain. OK-Sir-I-Will-Definitely-Be-Helping-You-With-The-Problem-You-Are-Being-Having (it is so PAINFUL talking to Barclays employees on the phone, mainly because the scripts they are given are agonizing). I gave my name, date of birth and mothers maiden name, but apparently, incorrectly. This is interesting as I gave them a couple of months ago and they were OK.

So now in order to check our bank balance (and send receipts to our clients) I have to go to the branch with two forms of ID to "update and verify" my account.

So while I'm out, I'm going to pop into HSBC and pick up some information on opening a new account.
