Monday 8 December 2008

Eating out in Jersey: Diamond Chinese Restaurant

OK. Got a few more posts to pop up about food. Always a favourite subject of mine!

On wednesday, we met my mum and her other half for a drink, after work (our work - this is their day off). Typically what happens on these occasions is that we all get wasted and have something to eat - then the other half and I suffer greatly when we get up early on Thursday morning.

This week, by about 7:30-ish, we were hungry, and decided we wanted chinese. Being in the heart of St Helier, options on this front are distinctly limited - so we opend for The Diamond Chinese Restaurant (having been there before).

It wasn't bad, actually. Not the best chinese meal I've ever had, but pretty good. Verdict by dish, because thats maybe more useful with chinese!

Mixed Starters (prawn toast, spring rolls, etc) - OK
Quarter Crispy Duck - ALWAYS good anywhere, but good nonetheless
Egg Fried Rice - Rice. Fried. With Egg.
Mushroom noodles - Surprisingly excellent
Pang Pang Chicken - Surprising good too!
Sweet and Sour battered chicken - Um. Iffy. A bit dry, and frankly the sauce was a disturbing colour (even for sweet and sour).

Well, there you go! Not bad. Definitely fine if tipsy!